October 2022 Newsletter
To our Advance LA Community,
We love the fall because it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold – it’s just right. Fall is when you can enjoy both an ice cream cone and a pumpkin spice latte on the same day. Fall air is light and crisp, carrying a scent of tree bark and leaves. Fall is a time when the lively pace of summer slows to a comfortable rhythm, allowing us to catch our breath.
In this month’s blogpost, we focus on staying true to the goals we have previously set. Our motivation can sometimes wane when the novelty of setting a goal wears off, so we offer strategies for staying the course.
Advance LA’s mission is to help our clients advance to independent adulthood. We provide virtual classes and club l.a. events that can provide an avenue for remote social engagement. Our Life Skills Coaches are able to meet with their clients remotely, or safely socially distance in person, to provide coaching in the areas of academics, social and emotional well being, executive functioning challenges and vocational education and support.
Please contact us at advancela@thehelpgroup.org for more information.
Wishing you all the best,
Jeri Rochman, JD, MS
Program Coordinator
Advance LA

The reality is that the thrill of something new eventually wears off. This is to be expected as just part of life. The loss of the initial thrill can be about big life events such as a new romantic relationship, a new job, or new college classes as well as the little things in life such as a new iPhone or new pair of sneakers. The day will always arrive when the novelty of something new wears off and it is just taken for granted. But can you get that feeling of excitement back? Well, maybe you can’t replicate that initial “zing” of excitement, but you can regain the positive feelings with some intention and effort. The novelty can be replaced with commitment to the cause.
This principle can be applied to the setting of a goal. It can feel exciting to set a goal and to feel initially really inspired to take the small, necessary steps to achieve the goal. When something is new and exciting, your brain gets hit with a temporary zap of dopamine. It feels good and rewards your brain. At first, it feels great to complete the small tasks and work toward your goal. But after the buzzing excitement wears off, a choice must be made: continue to commit or chase that instant gratification hormone hit.
Upcoming Events & More

Parent-to-Parent Support Group
Thurs., October 6th & 20th | 6-7 pm PT
Free online sessions for parents to connect, share stories & learn from one another. Parents will select topics and group leaders will facilitate discussions and offer guidance. Meetings take place the first and third Thursday of each month.
club l.a.’s Halloween Party!
Thursday, October 27th | 6:30-8pm
Cost: $25
Come in costume and join old friends and new friends for a spooky evening of fun! We will have dinner and dessert, play games and sing karaoke. Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up today! For neurodiverse young adults ages 18-29. Fee: $25

Follow Advance LA on TikTok!
Advance LA is now on TikTok! Follow us for all the great tips and tricks for parents of teens and young adults with special needs.

Dating & Relationship Coaching
Available now!
Advance LA now offers dating and relationship coaching for neuro-divergent young adults who are interested in learning the social skills involved in dating, as well as the communication skills required to maintain a romantic relationship. To learn more, contact Jeri

Life Skills Coaching
Virtual coaching available for academic, vocational, social, and independent living skills support (individual or group sessions). Contact us to learn more.
Other Programs at The Help Group for K-12 & Transition Students
Upcoming Webcast
COVID Regression or Learning Disability?
Hear from our experts
Wed., October 26th | 10-11 am PT
Please join us virtually on October 26th, as our own Dr. Carol Cao is joined by CSUN’s Dr. Sue Sears to discuss the distinction between aggression caused by the pandemic versus the presence of a learning disability and what to do once you know.
In Case You Missed Our Webcast:
Learn About The Help Group: A Virtual Tour And Overview Of Our Schools
At Advance LA, we offer the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions by parents of teens and young adults with special needs, “What happens next?” Our personalized program provides clients with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, executive functioning difficulties and learning differences the experiences and opportunities necessary to lead a fulfilling adult life. We offer coaching services and support groups, as well as workshops and conferences for young adults, parents, and industry professionals.
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