June 2022 Newsletter
To our Kaleidoscope community,
Happy Pride! Pride month in June is dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQIA+ voices, celebration of LGBTQIA+ culture, and the support of LGBTQIA+ rights. Throughout this month, LGBTQIA+ folks and their allies will participate in parades, performances, and celebrations of life. It is a mix of political activism and acknowledgement of all that the LGBTQIA+ community has achieved over the years.
You will likely see lots of rainbow flags this month. These flags are a symbol of LGBTQIA+ pride and each color in the flag has meaning. Red is symbolic of life, orange is healing, yellow is sunshine, green is nature, blue is harmony, and purple is spirit.
We celebrate Pride in June because the catalyst for the Gay Liberation Movement was the Stonewall Uprising which happened on June 28, 1969. The police had raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar, and for the first time the patrons of the bar held their ground. The Stonewall Inn was declared a historic landmark in 2015 and President Obama named it a national monument in 2016. This year is the 52nd anniversary of the first Pride Parade which happened in 1970.
This month Kaleidoscope honors all of the LGBTQIA+ individuals who have come before us and paved the way for young people today to live authentically. Our program’s foundation is built on providing affirmative support for neurotypical and neurodivergent young people who identify as LGBTQIA+. As some of you may be aware, there are currently states trying to put anti-LGBTQIA+ laws into place. Here at Kaleidoscope, we stand with the LGBTQIA+ community and we created a position statement to declare our stance against these harmful laws.
Kaleidoscope is excited to be participating in a few events throughout the month. Please save the below dates and make sure to come by and say hi! We may just have a special gift for you at our booth as well.
- June 5: WeHo Pride Street Fair
- June 25: San Fernando Valley Pride Event
In addition, we’ll be co-hosting a live webcast this Tuesday, June 7th at 10am PT titled Providing Affirming Therapeutic Support to LGBTQ+ Youth & Young People. You won’t want to miss this important topic with our very own Dr. Sarah Bruce and Dr. Joselyn Valle! See below for more information or RSVP here.
Lastly, we invite you to follow us on social media and keep current on our clubs and groups meetings as well as special events. Please comment, share, and tag your friends, as we celebrate all things LGBTQIA+ on Instagram @kaleidoscopelgbtq, and follow us on Facebook at KaleidoscopeLGBTQ.
Our warmest wishes,
-The Kaleidoscope Team
Jeri Rochman, JD, MS
Program Director
Laurie Stephens, Ph.D. PSY 18520
Sr. Director, Autism & LGBTQ+ Programs
Joselyn Valle, PsyD
LGBTQIA+ Psychologist
Jay Baldwin
Program Navigator
* For general inquiries, contact us at kaleidoscope@thehelpgroup.org

This month’s blogpost was written by our Program Navigator, Jay Baldwin (they/them). Jay shares what life was like as a college student, away from home for the first time and not yet out except to a few close friends. They recall going to their local video store and seeing a sign that said, “Gay and Lesbian Films” and for the first time seeing themselves represented in the media. Jay describes the experience of knowing for the first time that there were other people who felt like they do and looked like them. Feeling like a valued member of the LGBTQIA+ community was an integral part of their journey to self-acceptance.
Upcoming LGBTQIA+ Events, Services & More

Live Webcast – Providing Affirming Therapeutic Support to LGBTQ+ Young Folx
Tuesday, June 7th | 10-11am
LGBTQ+ Affirmative Psychology is a branch of psychology that embraces a positive view of LGBTQIA+ people and addresses the negative impacts of the biases and prejudices they may encounter. Join us for June’s live webcast where we will discuss ways to integrate Queer affirmative principles into clinical practice and to support your LGBTQIA+ clients and loved ones. Free to attend!

Parent/Caregivers Support Group – In English
ENGLISH – Thurs., June 9th | 6-7 pm
These free virtual sessions are a great space for parents and caretakers to connect, receive support, and learn from one another. Group discussions will be facilitated by Dr. Joselyn Valle (she/ella), LGBTQIA+ Therapist with The Help Group’s Kaleidoscope program.

Young Adult Coffee & Support
(In Person in West L.A.)
4th Thursday of the Month
Thurs., June 23rd | 5-6 pm | In Person
Young adults (ages 18-24) of the LGBTQIA+ community are invited to join Kaleidoscope for an afternoon of meeting peers, getting resources, and feeling connected. Location will be sent after RSVP.

Parent Support Group (in Spanish)
Grupo de Apoyo para Padres
Thurs., June 23rd | 6-7 pm
Jueves, 23rd de Junio | 6-7pm
Estas sesiones virtuales son gratis y diseñadas para que los padres y cuidadores puedan concetar, recibir apoyo y aprender unos de otros. Las discusiones grupales serán facilitadas por la Dra. Joselyn Valle, Terapeuta LGBTQIA+ con el programa Kaleidoscope de The Help Group. This free and monthly virtual support group in Spanish is a great space for parents and caretakers to connect, receive affirming support strategies, and learn from one another.

Parent Education Group
Fall 2022
A new group for parents of LGBTQIA+ young people with autism will be forming in Fall 2022. This 6-week long group will focus on teaching skills and discussing topics including: Gender Identity Exploration; “Coming Out;” Managing Mental Health Challenges and Improving Parent-Child Relationships and Communication Skills. Our monthly support group for parents who have completed this program will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7-8pm.

Mental Health Services
Kaleidoscope offers individual & group therapy as well as psychiatric care in a safe & affirming environment at affordable rates. We accept insurance, Medi-cal, and offer sliding-scale rates based upon annual income. Contact us to learn more.

Individual Coaching
Coaching available for LGBTQIA+ youth & young adults who need assistance with identifying goals, taking next steps, & establishing healthy connections in community settings. Contact us to learn more.

Training & Presentations
We offer training, education & presentations to parents, administrators, and the community to provide LGBTQIA+ youth with the affirming support that they need to thrive. Contact us to learn more.
Kaleidoscope’s mission is to provide services and supports for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults to help each person realize their unique and full potential. We focus on mental health services, family training and support, forming strong social connections, finding allies and developing critically needed life and coping skills. Kaleidoscope hopes to pave the way to self, family and community acceptance, resilience and care needed for LGBTQ+ folks to thrive.
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