September 2022 Newsletter
To our Kaleidoscope community,
We hope you and your families have enjoyed your month of summer as we head into back to school season. After a successful movie night kick off at the beginning of this summer, Kaleidoscope was so thrilled to offer our LGBTQ+ youth a fun place to hang out and play games (bingo was a hit!) at our in person Game Night. Our youth are starting to build community and want to keep coming back, and we’re excited to host our next movie night on September 23rd. As always, we appreciate your continued financial support, and you can help us to keep these programs going by donating here.
In this month’s blogpost, we explore best practices for teachers and other school staff to affirm and welcome back their LGBTQ+ students to school. Our Program Navigator, Jay Baldwin offers some simple but powerful tips for making sure your classroom or school is a safe space for all your LGBTQ+ youth.
Lastly, we invite you to follow us on social media and keep current on our clubs and groups meetings as well as special events. Please comment, share, and tag your friends, as we celebrate all things LGBTQIA+ on Instagram @kaleidoscopelgbtq, and follow us on Facebook at KaleidoscopeLGBTQ.
Wishing you a wonderful August!
-The Kaleidoscope Team
Jeri Rochman, JD, MS
Program Director
Laurie Stephens, Ph.D. PSY 18520
Sr. Director, Autism & LGBTQ+ Programs
Joselyn Valle, PsyD
LGBTQIA+ Psychologist
Jay Baldwin
Program Navigator
* For general inquiries, contact us at kaleidoscope@thehelpgroup.org
It’s back to school season, and schools across the United States are welcoming a new set of youth into their classrooms. Going back to school can cause a variety of emotions for students, and LGBTQ+ students are no exception. Many queer and transgender young people have a particular set of challenges to navigate in school settings, and teachers and school staff can make a profound difference in their LGBTQ+ students’ lives by showing them support, affirmation and acceptance.
Upcoming LGBTQIA+ Events, Services & More

Parent/Caregivers Support Group – In English
ENGLISH – Thurs., September 8th | 6-7pm
This free and monthly virtual support group is a great space for parents and caretakers to connect, receive affirming support strategies, and learn from one another. Group discussions will be facilitated by Dr. Joselyn Valle (she/ella), LGBTQIA+ Therapist with The Help Group’s Kaleidoscope program. Note: This group will also be offered in Spanish on Thurs., September 22nd at 6pm.

Parent Support Group (in Spanish)
Grupo de Apoyo para Padres
Thursday September 22nd | 6-7 pm
Jueves, 22 de Septiembre | 6-7pm
Estas sesiones virtuales son gratis y diseñadas para que los padres y cuidadores puedan concetar, recibir apoyo y aprender unos de otros. Las discusiones grupales serán facilitadas por la Dra. Joselyn Valle, Terapeuta LGBTQIA+ con el programa Kaleidoscope de The Help Group. This free and monthly virtual support group in Spanish is a great space for parents and caretakers to connect, receive affirming support strategies, and learn from one another.

Upcoming Webcast:
Learn About The Help Group: A Virtual Tour And Overview Of Our Schools

Movie Night for LGBTQ+ Youth
Friday September 23rd | 6-8 pm
Back by popular demand, we are hosting an in person movie night for LGBTQ+ Teens! Come join us and watch The Half of It, the story of teenager Ellie Chu who makes money doing other kids’ homework and finds herself in a bind when she starts getting paid to write love letters to her crush for somebody else.

Discussion & Support Group for Parents of LGBTQIA+ Autistic Young People
When: Wednesdays, September 28th – November 2nd
Time: 7 – 8:30pm
Price: $175
This group is for parents of young people who are Autistic and LGBTQIA+. This virtual six-week clinically-focused parent group will foster skill development and discussion of topics, including: Intersection of LGBTQIA+ and Autistic Identities, Gender Identity Exploration, “Coming Out,” Managing Mental Health Challenges, Improving Relationships, and Building Parent-Child Communication Skills.

Mental Health Services
Kaleidoscope offers individual & group therapy as well as psychiatric care in a safe & affirming environment at affordable rates. We accept insurance, Medi-cal, and offer sliding-scale rates based upon annual income. Contact us to learn more.

Individual Coaching
Coaching available for LGBTQIA+ youth & young adults who need assistance with identifying goals, taking next steps, & establishing healthy connections in community settings. Contact us to learn more.

Training & Presentations
We offer training, education & presentations to parents, administrators, and the community to provide LGBTQIA+ youth with the affirming support that they need to thrive. Contact us to learn more.
Kaleidoscope’s mission is to provide services and supports for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults to help each person realize their unique and full potential. We focus on mental health services, family training and support, forming strong social connections, finding allies and developing critically needed life and coping skills. Kaleidoscope hopes to pave the way to self, family and community acceptance, resilience and care needed for LGBTQ+ folks to thrive.
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