In this webcast, we examined the concept of limitless potential in autism. How we define potential in autism is a process of understanding and determining what achievement and fulfillment mean for individuals on the autism spectrum. This encompasses identifying and celebrating their unique strengths, accomplishments, and personal growth, as well as fostering an environment that supports their individual journey toward a fulfilling life.

Throughout the session, participants:
Gained insights into the power of presuming competence and fostering an environment of limitless potential for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Explored practical strategies for identifying and nurturing a child’s passions and interests, emphasizing the importance of personalized learning and growth.
Discovered the impact of recognizing and leveraging a child’s strengths and preferences to unlock their limitless potential and promote overall well-being.

Moderated by Dr. Shayne Horan, VP of Schools at The Help Group
Sue Anne Kaples, Director of Schools at The Help Group
Dr. Laurie Stephens, Senior Director of Autism & Clinical Services at The Help Group