On Friday, February 10, 2023 The Help Group virtually convened leading experts in the areas of autism, learning disabilities, and ADHD for its 26th annual Summit. In its third year as an online event, the Summit continued its tradition of disseminating valuable insights into cutting-edge research and evidence-based best practices to professionals and parents.

This year’s conference offered a selection of 15 virtually live sessions. New to this year’s format was the option to view the conference in part or in whole on-demand for up to one month after the live event – with two additional bonus lectures included in the on-demand format, and the option to earn up to 17 CEs for 17 hours of programming. On-demand viewing is available through Wednesday, March 15.

Dr. Barbara Firestone, Help Group President & CEO, kicked off the Summit by welcoming attendees, acknowledging this year’s distinguished group of presenters, and and honoring the memory of Dr. Paul Satz, founder of the groundbreaking neuropsychology program at UCLA’s Semel Institute and with whom she established the conference 26 years ago. Dr. Firestone served as chair of this year’s conference along with Dr. Robert M. Bilder, UCLA Semel Institute’s Michael E. Tennenbaum Family Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Psychology, and Chief in the Division of Psychology at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Firestone acknowledged Major Sponsor First 5 California for their generous support over the years, and expressed The Help Group’s gratitude for its sponsorship.

The all new, one-day conference included a full line-up of distinguished speakers including:

Jack M. Fletcher, PhD, Daniel H. Geschwind, MD, PhD, Shulamite Green, PhD, Antonio Hardan, MD, Stephen Hinshaw, PhD, Brandon S. Ito, MD, MPH, Eli Lebowitz, PhD, Pat R. Levitt, PhD, Sandra Magaña, PhD, MSW, Sally Ozonoff, PhD, John Piacentini, PhD, Frederick Shic, PhD, Laurie Stephens, PhD, Sharon Vaughn, PhD, Jeremy Veenstra-Vanderweele, PhD and Julie A. Washington, PhD.

As always, our presenters provided attendees with important insights into basic and applied research, and evidence-based best practices in assessment, intervention and treatment. Additionally, they also offered practical strategies for coping, and for adapting approaches to care in response to the pandemic.

We are most grateful to each of the presenters for providing their expertise, and the perspectives shared with us from their important work.